Product Manufacturer Identification and much more: 309-212-4436
CPSC Recalls
Virtual Product Subrogation Manufacturer / Product Identification
Serving Attorneys, Foresic Experts, Subrogation Collections Companies and Product Subrogation / Claims Personnel
It has been our experience that 40-50% of all Property Casualty claims have subrogation potential, yet very few are pursued. As a result, every day/week millions of dollars are over looked by our Property and Casualty claim personnel.
Our goal is to help your product subrogation staff (and the claim personnel they support), narrow the Product Subrogation “gap” between product subrogation identification and product subrogation recovery.
Product and Manufacturer Identification
Product Identification
Product Age Identification
Product Identification Database Design
Product Trend Database Design
Product Evidence Tag Design
Product Evidence Retention
Product Database Design
Manufacturer Identification
Manufacturer Database Design
Overseas Manufacturer Identification
USA Distributor of overseas products
Data Mining and Reporting
Product Recall Analysis
Product Recall Database Design
Data Mining Design
Report Design
Database Design
Product Subrogation Resource Intranet Website Design
Product Subrogation Personnel Training